About Me

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On a quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I enjoy conversation with good friends over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. If I could be anywhere on earth, I'd choose to be on the beach, in the moonlight, with my feet buried in sand up to my ankles.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

With or Without You

With you I was young and vibrant.

Without you I feel old and useless.

In your company life was an adventure.

Without you life is making it through today.

With you the future held the promise of knowing you better.

Without you the future is a lonely, scary place.

With you, you challenged me to learn something new.

Without you I write really bad prose, and wallow in self doubt and regret.

With you I could count on being understood.

Without you I converse without revealing anything about myself.

With you there was laughter and silliness.

Without you, your smile, your dark humor, and even the silence that doesn’t need words, my soul yearns for another chance.

I participate in Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  Visit her site for great posts on the letter Y.   


  1. that silence that doesn't need words. . .love that! So hard to find!

  2. I can feel your pain in this, and the loss. You say you converse without revealing anything about yourself, but you've shared a big chunk of your heart here. Brave. And well done.

  3. Wow what a beautiful and deep poem.

  4. Very thought provoking! Thanks for sharing!

  5. oh hit my heart. this was truly wonderful. I hurt, I loved. I read it twice.

  6. It's a hard journey to the other side, but you will get there. (These voyages of self-discovery are not for the faint of heart, are they?)


  7. lovely poem,
    you make your "you" very important and profound...
    cool y post.

  8. Elegant and heart-wrenching.

  9. ...your poem is truly a reflection of what your heart holds dear.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  10. I feel the loss and sorrow of losing someone loved dearly in your prose. A thoughtful "Y" choice!

  11. What a compelling stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y".

    I can feel the pain and loss in each carefully crafted word here.

    I don't know if this is a true poem, but if it is I hope you write a new stanza soon recognizing all the wonderful qualities you have...in spite of your loss.

    Thank you for sharing this.

    It was so honest and amazing.


  12. nicely done....I hope it has a happy ending...bkm

  13. I hope you get another chance....life is full of them if you rise to meet them! thanks for visiting my blog too and come again anytime.....melinda
