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On a quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I enjoy conversation with good friends over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. If I could be anywhere on earth, I'd choose to be on the beach, in the moonlight, with my feet buried in sand up to my ankles.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Why are stop signs red? What has the color of passion and power and pizzazz to do with stopping? It screams full steam ahead. Wear the red power tie to the job interview for confidence. Shake your bootie in the clingy red dress at the night club. Be careful around those red headed people, they tend to have short tempers according to the stereotypes. Look out, that fire is red hot! Blood, the ever flowing stuff of life turns red as soon as it hits the air. Red wine startles your taste buds, then leaves them begging for more. Give a red rose to the object of your desire, the one who takes your breath away. Notice me, touch me, hear me, taste me cries red. Ignore the danger, I’m worth it. Definitely do not stop.

This is the first week of  Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School.  Visit her site for more great posts on the color red.


  1. You know, I've never thought about it before, but you're so right! How odd that the colour of passion and fire is used in most societies to signal stopping and restraint. A delightful, idiosyncratic irony indeed :D

  2. ha. nice play and a great question...hmmm...red...

  3. Interesting thoughts. Red certainly gets one's attention though. :-)
    ~ Sarah

  4. I love all the thoughts you have on red. It has so many interpretations.

  5. You've posed some really interesting questions -so thought-provoking!

    Have a lovely weekend,


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can stop by!

  6. Great point of view! Red flashing lights on an emergency vehicle tell you to MOVE out of their way,quickly. Red dinning rooms tell you to talk, tell tales, PARTY. Yep, the more I think about it you are so right!

  7. Ooooh...you are so right! Red IS passion. Has nothing to do with stopping! Love it!

  8. Really liked this. Not only is it an interesting question, but you articulated it so well. I especially liked the last three sentences. Nice rhythm to them.

  9. I like your take on red...and the way you presented them. Kind of stream of consciousness. Neat.


  10. Your mind works in such a unique way. I've never thought of that particular aspect to a red light or stop sign!

  11. Red-warning and dangerous. That sounds like a lot of those other "red" things.


  12. Great post....love the contrasts red holds for us...it is an intriguing color...bkm

  13. Red is so vibrant that it seems natural to be chosen as the daring, alerting, and alluring color, doesn't it? :)

  14. Red I guess really can portray a lot of things when it's laid out like you did. Good job. Those cherry tomatoes in my post did come from our garden. We're slowly but surely starting to get some, ha.

  15. What a perfectly accurate summary of red! It is all that!

  16. Red is truly the colour of danger - even when it comes to passion, ha!!

  17. Short, sweet and wonderfully perfect for our first week of Alphabe-Thursday's Summer school.

    You actually made me think about RED in a totally different way. We have a red-headed daughter-in-law, sons girlfriend and two granddaughters in our family.

    I wonder why there is always so much turmoil!


    Thanks for linking!

    I enjoyed this stop!


  18. haha! Thought provoking, for sure... hm...maybe it's that RED!!! gets your atention, so hopes to STOP ya in your tracks!

    Love your take on Red :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    still trying to get around to say thank you for stopping by! And I'm glad that you enjoy the art that I do :o)
