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On a quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I enjoy conversation with good friends over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. If I could be anywhere on earth, I'd choose to be on the beach, in the moonlight, with my feet buried in sand up to my ankles.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Wild Child Cometh

I never thought I’d be raising my sister’s child, but there I was at 3:00 AM holding her screaming daughter. I had no idea how hard this would be. I took two weeks off work to find childcare and try to get a handle on this mothering thing. Three and ½ year old Wild Child arrived with few clothes and toys and enough losses to last a lifetime. Friends gave me a baby shower, Wild Child opened the gifts. We received clothes, books, toys and most off all the love and support of people who cared.  “That's why it meant so much...

This story is brought to you as part of Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus.  Each week she provides a prompt (in bold above) and participants write a story around that prompt of no more than 100 words.  Visit Jenny's site for more details and read this week's awesome posts.


  1. Oh wow, I really like where you took this prompt. I bet this would really make a good longer story. Great job.

  2. I'm really enjoying the diversity in the different posts this week. I love everything about this, including the title.

  3. What a challenge this would be for the unsuspecting!!! Many are Wild Childs at this age...:)

  4. nice capture of babysitting issues.
    Happy End of July!

  5. Two weeks to get a handle on mothering? I've been doing it FOREVER, and sometimes I still feel like a rookie!

  6. Is there any auto-biographical tendencies here?

    You wrote this with such heartfelt honestly, I felt like it was true.

    What a wonderful and different use of this prompt. I can feel the story rolling out ahead of these few words into something life changing and life affirming.

    Thank you.

  7. I'm with Jenny, I see a true life story unfolding. If so, keep unfolding....
    If not, keep writing on Saturdays!

  8. Ah, the joys of forced motherhood! What an original and creative take on this prompt! Very cool story!

  9. I agree with the other commenters, seems that there's a longer story here. May we please have the privilege of reading it? I really like your style.

  10. Glad it's not just me that felt the reality of this - great take on the prompt!

  11. This was so evocative and heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. Beautifully done.

  12. Gosh - you have certainly gone in a different sdirection with this one! Brill!

  13. This one rings true. I really liked it.


  14. love it when peeps take the theme out of the norm. your story felt so real and compelling.
    Tina from
    Mummy Diaries
    Gossip Avenue
    Travel Shack
    Game FreakZ

  15. I agree with all of the above. It sounds REAL. Very good.

  16. Thanks for the visit, and your kind words...You Rock from Mt Evans To Fort Collins

  17. I thought it was a real story at first, great take

    & thanks for your visit

  18. I love the nickname Wild Child! Those two words are so descriptive of a tiny creature who could turn a world topsy turvy! I enjoyed your story!

    I just posted my tardy contribution for this week. Hope you stop by and read!


  19. Beautiful. the power of pulling together to make things a little better. I love it.

  20. Thank you so much for your kind visit at my blog!

  21. I agree with the other commenters, seems that there's a more time tale here. May we please have the benefit of studying it?
    I like all of your comments.

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